I started this blog in January of 2021 with this quote. I have always felt that I had something to share and it was a dream of mine to create a space where I could do that but anxiety, overthinking, and a predilection for perfectionism stopped me from acting on that desire for many years. And then, one day, I got really fucking tired of not doing the thing I always said I wanted to do and I just sat down and did it. I did it without any kind of plan or goal. I did it because NOT doing it made me feel like shit. I did it because deep down, I knew I could. I just needed to let go of fear.

Letting go of that fear and starting this blog was one of the most important decisions I have made for myself as an adult. Not because it set me on a trajectory of success beyond my wildest dreams (thank you to my tens of followers on Instagram) but because it allowed me to prove to myself that I could do something that I thought was hard and that I was afraid I would be judged for. I overcame self-doubt and just did the thing that mattered to me. And wouldn’t you know it? Good things happened when I took that risk and even more importantly, it prepared me for what was to come.

Deja Vu and Deceit

This past winter, I found myself, once again, perched upon the ledge of an opportunity, staring into the unknown, wondering about my flight capabilities. Things were shifting in my life, I was struggling to find my place and I once again saw a chance to create something that would be my own, where I could make an impact and carve out a future for myself doing something that I love. So, I stepped into the land of “what if?” and in February of this year, I launched my own business called BE Connected.

Now for some brutal honesty. If you happened to cross paths with me in the last seven months and inquired about my profession, I probably gave you my usual spiel – “I am the co-owner of a company called Camelot Interiors and we specialize in custom blinds and shades.” This is both the truth and a lie. I do still own Camelot with my husband, but the reality is, I no longer work in the day to day operations of the business. I’ve been lying to people about what I do. At first I wasn’t sure why I was doing this. Was it a habit? Surely it was just a knee-jerk reaction to the classic but tired query “So, what do you do?” and I just needed to practice the new words that were supposed to come out of my mouth. But as months went by and I continued to sing the same old blind lady song, I became genuinely curious about what the hell was going on in my brain. After some thoughtful contemplation, I think I’ve managed to identify at least some of the reasons for my deceit:

  1. I’m embarrassed by the looks of furrowed confusion that inevitably follow when I tell people I am a networking consultant (a title which I am NOT loving but can’t seem to replace with a better alternative).
  2. I’m worried other people won’t see this as a real business and because I am a textbook people pleaser, I can’t bare the thought of being judged by anyone, let alone the people I care about.
  3. I’m terrified of failure, and by not coming clean about my shift away from Camelot Interiors, I can give myself a small measure of protection if things don’t work out.

Well friends, not only am I tired of living a lie, but I also think that I’m doing myself a great disservice. I’m pretty sure there is some kind of law of the universe that ensures you won’t achieve what you want to when you dangle one foot into the abyss while keeping the other foot surely planted on solid ground. If, at the end of the day, I can’t say that I did absolutely everything to make this work, then am I protecting myself or just selling myself short? I am an “all in” kind of gal and I haven’t been going all in on this venture. It’s time to change that. It’s time to jump. So here I am, declaring to you that I am a networking consultant (seriously, if you have any other suggestions on a title, I’m all ears). I am the founder of BE Connected, and I help people build their businesses through building meaningful relationships – and coffee!.


Here are some quick FAQs about BE Connected.

What’s with the name?

BE is short for Blind Enthusiasm, which is our company motto at Camelot Interiors (Get it? Window coverings. Blinds. We love what we do. Enthusiasm. I’m overselling it, aren’t I?). It’s more than just a pun; it encapsulates my joy as an entrepreneur working with my husband, the wonder of building a fulfilling life, embracing growth and risk, and discovering meaning in unexpected places. It signifies the simplicity of what I value and my quest to understand our interconnectedness and how together, we can thrive.

The “Connected” aspect is straightforward but worth clarifying. Over the past 6 years, I immersed myself in the world of networking. Not only did this lead to significant business growth for Camelot Interiors, but also to an inspiring community that fuelled my desire to give back, forge profound relationships, and make a positive impact in my corner of the world. Through this journey I have learned that when we connect to what matters, we all benefit.

So….is this is a business??

Sure. In the fall of 2022 I was feeling a little lost. My husband and I were making plans to begin a slow exit from Camelot Interiors and although he is ready to retire, I plan to work for at another 10-15 years (both for practical and existential reasons), but I wasn’t quite sure what the future would look like. So, I did what any neurotic middle aged woman who over-analyzes absolutely everything would do…I made a list. My list was an inventory of what I wanted my work life to look like, what my skill set is, what I am passionate about and what brings me joy. I determined that I wanted to be able to work remotely and set my own schedule. I wanted to work with entrepreneurs and stay connected with the business community in Edmonton. I am skilled at and enjoy creative work, public speaking, collaborative problem solving and there is nothing that gives me more joy than watching someone else succeed. I am passionate about giving back to others in any way I can AND I freaking LOVE networking!

But, is it a business that can make money?

Truth? I actually had no idea at the beginning. But here’s the incredible thing about the power of networking – when you want to take a risk, the people that you have spent all your time building deep meaningful connections with will want to see you succeed and they will do what they can to help you. I launched BE Connected with the support of the Co-Executive Directors of BNI Alberta North. I literally came to them with an idea and they didn’t even question it, they simply said “Yes! What can we do to help?”. Just knowing that these incredible human beings were in my corner gave me the courage to take the first step and launch. Shortly afterward, I started working with them as their Member Placement Coordinator.

And then you know what happened? A few weeks later I received an invitation to attend a hockey game with one of the Co-Founders of YBB Connect, which is another wonderful organization I’ve been involved with for several years, and they wanted to talk about what I was doing and how we could collaborate. Shortly after that, I was announced as their new Director of Networking.

Within the first couple of months of launching BE Connected, I had two contracts in place with two organizations that I am passionate about and I was spending my days working with people I care for and respect. Am I making tons of money? Good lord, not at all. But the potential is there and I’m lucky enough to have the time and support to build this into what I know it can be.

What are my goals?

I have zero goals. I can’t help but marvel at how much it frustrates people when I tell them this. Cue the gasping wide eyed astonishment. “Surely, you can’t embark on a business venture without a meticulously detailed plan complete with specific benchmarks, an execution strategy and key performance indicators!” they insist. The short answer is, I can, I did, I’m good with it and any frustration you feel over my failure to conform to whatever advice the latest top selling business book is giving probably has more to do with you than it does with me. BUT, if you need something a bit more conventional to ease your mind, I’ll call what I’m doing an “emergent strategy” (which is a real thing that I’m sure you can find in a best selling business book somewhere).

I purposely started BE Connected with zero expectations. It’s important to me that it emerges and evolves on its own accord rather than me moving it in a particular direction because I’ve already decided, arbitrarily, what it is supposed to look like. I genuinely believe that taking on the role of an active passenger, with curiosity as the foremost focus, will unlock doors to unforeseen opportunities and provide me with the chance to collaborate with incredible people. This approach, while unconventional, may just lead me down a path that I hadn’t even thought of. Indeed, it already has.


So there you have it. I have officially and publicly defenestrated myself and there’s nothing left to do but see if I can fly. My conscience is clear (as much as it can be, given that I was raised Catholic) and I hereby swear to tell the truth from here forward when asked what my profession is. I will keep working on a phrase more authentic to me than “I am a networking consultant” but in the interest of maintaining my life philosophy of progress over perfection, it’ll do for now.

I would love it if you would come and follow along with me on Instagram and LinkedIn, subscribe to this blog and most of all, join in on the conversation. I’ve witnessed the incredible potential that unfolds when we forge meaningful connections, and I invite you to come along for the free fall. I have no idea where we’ll end up but I can guarantee that wherever we’re going, we’ll BE Connected.

4 responses to “Deceit and Defenestration”

  1. Jason Marc Chouinard Avatar
    Jason Marc Chouinard


    Love your blog. Honesty and self-therapy and humour and life. Great stuff! Thanks for being YOU. I rarely write anymore because my internal editor winds me up too much as my writing will never be perfect, will it? WILL IT?! hahaha. I was editing Dr Raszek’s (formerly of BNI Elite) blog and science work and remembered I LOVE editing other people’s works and really miss being a teacher. Which brings up A.I and ChatGPT as they “can” do the writing if you get the inputs correct AND take the time to edit and fact check afterwards. Take this example of a prompt I wrote in your honour:

    Business Networking International, or BNI is a networking group that helps people form chapters in an organized and hierarchical way, with rewards and plenty of accountability. Janice, a “networking consultant” helps other people get the most of the positive aspects of BNI. What are 10 alternative titles that better reflect “networking consultant”?

    Which gave back ==>

    Networking Strategist
    Connection Catalyst
    Relationship Building Advisor
    Networking Architect
    Referral Networking Coach
    Business Connection Mentor
    Networking Facilitator
    Professional Connector
    Referral Marketing Expert
    BNI Success Coach

    So editing is fun and could look like: Janice, the “Referral Whisperer”. Acts as a connection catalyst and relationship building advisor while serving as a business connection mentor who puts the BE in B2B.

    Mind you I don’t know much about YBB, but you get the idea. Have you worked with any AIs or ChapGPT, yet?

    I had to look up defenstration to remember what it meant and while I was checking my memory the quote by Mr Bradbury was “and grow wings on the way down.” Love me some good RAY! Thanks internet!

    SO congratulations on this very well put together Blog Confessional, Testimonial, and Inspirational! While enjoying it, the power of the ideas inherent in “emergent strategy” and “progress over perfection” were underdelivered for their importance and life affirming value. That’s fancy editor talk for “develop these more!!” or at least make them headings 🙂

    As a roaming, unfulfilled “editor in the wild” I thank you for the opportunity to read and comment on your work.

    Much ado about nothing,



    1. Thank you so much for this Jason. I appreciate you so much and I do work with AI a bit so I’m kind of surprised that I didn’t think to use it for title generation. You are the BEST and thank you for all your support.


  2. Sherry Miller-Pitzel Avatar
    Sherry Miller-Pitzel

    Janice ,
    What you have written is so inspirational and you are so “Brave”. I reflect on what you have written and with my business Winning Therapies Inc. It has always been one leg in and one leg out to survive and make a difference in the world and lives of children. With the always changing landscape of Education and Government funding for Speech-Language Services and being in a small rural city. I have always had years that were great being a sole business owner then others I feel have to roll with the funding model in Education and Government. So, this year I have one leg in and one leg out trying to make it the best of both worlds and live a fulfilled life. Of course I would rather be doing more private contract work and my own private work with children BUT the private contract work has literally vanished as school divisions have had the Special Education Budgets slashed by the Department of Education. As a Speech-Language Pathologist that means School divisions DO NOT have the funding they require to contract SLP’s and they are returning to hiring SLP’s and paying them an arbitrary salary set by the school divisions. You take the job or don’t have a job even though we are well worth more than they are offering Speech-Language Pathologists with Master’s degrees. Of course families think private Speech-Language Pathologists are charging too much and they cannot afford private services for their children even though they are going without appropriate services within the school setting. So children are missing out in deeply needed services and it is so SAD! So at this point in my career with 30+ years of practice I am too costly for school divisions to contract my services so I feel I have to take what they can offer you and be happy with that. All knowing they have layers of School Division administration they are over paying for and shorting the SLP’s OT’S and PT’s and most importantly the children they are to be serving. So that is why I am working with one leg in and one leg out . Sure I would prefer all out private services because I know I can provide the best
    direct services for children! But that only seems to work for SLP’s in the large cities. ( Calgary , Red Deer and Edmonton). Each year it gets harder and harder. Maybe I am glad to be close to retirement but my passion is the children and working in rural schools who have a hard time retaining Speech-Language Pathologists. This year I am working half time with a school division and half time private. In my company my Motto is We- C.A.R.E. ” Children Are Really Everything! ” I want to so desperately to continue to work with children daily it is my passion! I have so much to offer children and their parents. I am flying in my private practice and trying to navigate the fast changing world of Speech-Language Pathology! Learning something new everyday about this world! Facing challenging new clients that make me push myself to be the best I can be for them! For some of my families and students, and clients I am all they have!
    On a side note :
    I still have adult children going to college out east in Windsor Ont. on tuition scholarships at St. Clair College that need my financial support and need a good Post Secondary Education! We do What I HAVE TO DO TO! To assist them as much as I can because once a parent you are always a parent and want the best for your children. Love and Take care, I can always use your assistance the Net- working Guru! Sherry Miller-Pitzel


    1. Thank you so much for sharing some of your story Sherry. The service you provide to children and families is so important and it’s so frustrating that there isn’t proper funding in place. There is a whole other conversation here around the priorities of the people who make decisions on our behalf but I shall save that for another time. I respect wholly that you have been able to continue to do your work almost solely on the strength of your own will. Thank you for what you do and for continuing to serve people, even when it’s hard. What you’re doing matters and I see you. ❤️


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